Parent Education Programs

The Parent Education Program teaches ways families can get along better, follow family rules with less fighting and resistance, and create a loving family relationship.

This program is beneficial to the parent, as well as the children in a family by improving communication and reducing stress.

A family that communicates tends to get along better. It helps parents to enhance their children's coping skills, reduces child behavior problems, and reduces or eliminates the risk of child abuse by the parents.

Parent Education can be provided, upon request, to community organizations/groups.

Possible topics include:


• Parenting skills
• Effective discipline
• Communication
• Relationship-building
• Development
• Behavior Management

Every parent can benefit from a child parenting class. Taking a parenting class doesn't mean that you are not a good parent. It means that you want to be the very best parent that you can be to your child!

For more information on our Parent Education Program, please call our office at 361-852-9665.